Building a Text-To-Speech Application with Tesseract OCR

The following implementation is broken down into 2 parts —

Part I. Image to Text Extraction with Tesseract-OCR

A well-established open-sourced utility would be Tesseract OCR. With sincere thanks to Jerome Wu, a pure JavaScript version of this (Tesseract.js) has been released to the online community.

For this application, a self-hosted version of Tesseract.js v2 shall be implemented to enable offline usage and portability.

Step 1. Retrieve the following 4 files of Tesseract.js v2


* For simplicity, all text to be extracted are assumed to be in English

  • Import plugin
<script src='js/tesseract/tesseract.min.js'></script>
  • Proceed to set the worker attributes
const worker = Tesseract.createWorker({
workerPath: 'js/tesseract/worker.min.js',
langPath: 'js/tesseract/lang-data/4.0.0_best',
corePath: 'js/tesseract/tesseract-core.wasm.js'

Note: Since app is self-hosted, the relative paths need to be re-defined to local relative paths.

Step 2. Create User Interface for Image Upload

  • HTML File Input
<input id='uploadImg' type='file' />
  • JavaScript Code Snippet
var uploadImg=document.getElementById('uploadImg');
function readFileAsDataURL(file) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
let fileredr = new FileReader();
fileredr.onload = () => resolve(fileredr.result);
fileredr.onerror = () => reject(fileredr);
uploadImg.addEventListener('change', (ev) => {
const worker = Tesseract.createWorker({
workerPath: 'js/tesseract/worker.min.js',
langPath: 'js/tesseract/lang-data/4.0.0_best',
corePath: 'js/tesseract/tesseract-core.wasm.js'

let file = ev.currentTarget.files[0];
if(!file) return;
readFileAsDataURL(file).then((b64str) => {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
const img = new Image();
img.onload = () => resolve(img)
img.onerror = (err) => reject(err);
img.src = b64str;
}).then((loadedImg) => {
/* TO DO LOGIC HERE */ // In Step 3)
}, false);
  • Note that the previous code snippet of instantiating worker has been nested in the event function.
  • As worker only reads in an <img> element, new Image() is initialised with the src attribute to be the uploaded image’s base64 encoded data.

Step 3. Implement Tesseract API to extract Image Text

(async () => {
await worker.load();
await worker.loadLanguage('eng');
await worker.initialize('eng');

let result=await worker.recognize(loadedImg);

let wordsArr=extractedData.words;
let combinedText='';
for(let w of wordsArr) {
combinedText+=(w.text)+' ';
await worker.terminate();

Preview of Part I Implementation:

Screencapture by Author | Upon upload of image, Tesseract-OCR processes file and extracts text into the textarea

🚩 Checkpoint—As illustrated, Part I leverages Tesseract-OCR to implement the Image-to-Text aspect of this application.

Part II. Convert Text to Speech with Web Speech API

In order to convert web text to browser voice, Part II of the application leverages on the Web API: SpeechSynthesis

Reusing the JavaScript code snippet from the GitHub Repo web-speech-api, the Text-to-Speech aspect of this app is rendered as follows:

Illustration by Author | After text extraction from image, selecting the “Play” Button would convert input text to browser speech. | Language Dialect + Speed + Pitch can be customised with displayed form inputs.

Full source code is available at my GitHub repo: Text-To-Speech-App or try it out at demo!

Potential Use-Cases

  • Data Entry For Business Documents
  • Aids for the Visually Impaired
  • Converting scanned documents to machine-readable text for data processing

Personal Comments

The capability of OCR technology to extract textual content in images eliminates the manually intensive need to re-type the text, effectively saving overhead costs (time+manpower).

While expectations for data-fueled fields such as Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning continue to surge exponentially, there is an ever-increasing demand for digital data collection.

Following the simultaneous innovations of WASM (e.g. C/C++ to JavaScript) combined with the use of existing tools such as JavaScript Web APIs, this one-off implementation is a proof-of-concept that a standalone Text-to-Speech (i.e. “Read Aloud”) application created with client-side JavaScript is within the realm of possibilities.

Build A Text-To-Speech App Using Client-Side JavaScript | JavaScript in Plain English

Selecting the Right Machine Learning Model: A Comprehensive Guide (Enhanced)

Choosing the best machine learning model for your problem requires a systematic and iterative approach.
Here's a detailed breakdown of the process, incorporating model evaluation, iterative refinement, and additional techniques for robust selection:

1. Define Problem Type:

  • Classification: Categorizing data points into predefined classes (e.g., spam or not spam, cat or dog).
  • Regression: Predicting continuous values (e.g., housing prices, customer churn probability).

2. Data Acquisition and Assessment:

  • Gather Data: Collect or acquire data relevant to your problem.
  • Assess Data Quantity and Quality: Evaluate the amount and quality of your labeled data for supervised learning. Consider limitations and potential biases.
  • Determine Approach: If data is limited, consider unsupervised learning or strategies for data collection and labeling.

3. Data Preprocessing:

  • Cleaning: Handle missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies in your data.
  • Transformation: Scale or normalize features for better model performance, especially for algorithms sensitive to feature scaling.
  • Feature Engineering: Create new features from existing ones to improve model representation and capture relevant relationships.

4. Model Selection and Training:

Choose Candidate Models: Select suitable algorithms based on problem type, data characteristics, and interpretability needs (if applicable). Common supervised learning algorithms include: * Classification: Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). * Regression: Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forest.

  • Train Candidate Models: Train each chosen model on the prepared training set.

5. Model Evaluation with Cross-Validation:

  • Split Data: Divide your data into training, validation, and test sets.
  • Cross-Validation: Use cross-validation to estimate model performance on unseen data and reduce overfitting. This involves:
    • Splitting the training data further into smaller folds.
    • Training the model on a subset of folds (e.g., k-1 folds).
    • Evaluating the model's performance on the remaining fold (validation fold).
    • Repeating this process k times, using each fold for validation once.
    • Calculating the average performance metric across all k folds (e.g., average accuracy for classification).
  • Metric Selection: Choose appropriate metrics based on the problem type (e.g., accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score for classification; MSE, R-squared for regression).

6. Model Refinement and Exploration (Iterative Process):

Evaluation Results Analysis: Analyze the performance metrics on the validation set. Do the metrics meet your desired thresholds? * If not, consider revisiting: * Data preprocessing: Address data quality issues impacting performance. * Feature engineering: Create more informative features. * Hyperparameter tuning (next step): Fine-tune model hyperparameters for better performance. * Model selection: Explore alternative algorithms if necessary.

Error Analysis: Analyze the types of errors your model makes on the validation set. Are there specific patterns or biases? Can you address them through data preprocessing or model selection?

Hyperparameter Tuning: Fine-tune hyperparameters (settings that control model behavior) of promising models using techniques like grid search or random search, considering insights from error analysis.

Revisit Earlier Stages: Based on the analysis above, you might revisit data preprocessing, feature engineering, or even model selection if necessary. This is an iterative process.

7. Final Evaluation:

  • Test the best performing model on the unseen test set for a final evaluation of generalizability and potential real-world performance.

8. Making Informed Decisions:

  • Consider the evaluation results on the validation and test sets. Does the model meet your requirements?
  • Analyze error patterns and biases to identify potential improvements.
  • If interpretability is crucial, consider the trade-off between model complexity and understanding its predictions.

Additional Techniques for Model Selection:

  • Grid Search & Random Search: Techniques for efficiently exploring a wide range of hyperparameter combinations to find the optimal set.
  • Learning Curves: Plots that visualize the relationship between training data size and model performance. They can help identify underfitting or overfitting issues.

Leveraging Programming Libraries and Frameworks:

  • Utilize libraries or frameworks in your programming language that provide built-in functions for:
    • Data preprocessing
    • Model selection (implementations of various algorithms)
    • Model evaluation metrics
    • Hyperparameter tuning


  • The specific steps and metrics used may vary depending on your problem and data.
  • Machine learning is iterative. Be prepared to revisit earlier stages based on evaluation findings
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