Here are the Top 40 simple ways to lose weight fast, without exercising!

1.) Count your calories, and only eat the conventional number of calories, or lose weight as QUICKLY as possible (AQAP) by reducing your calorie intake by 70% by avoiding almost all Energy-based macronutrients (Carbohydrates+Fat) and only ingesting calories by eating lean proteins to match 30% of your conventional daily calorie requirement.

2.) Remember, To lose one kg (~2.2 pounds) of body fat we need to lose 7777 calories, that is equivalent to eating 100+ slices of bread, So to lose weight fast; think, choose, chew and then eat!
3.) Our bodyfat levels depend 80% on diet and 20% on exercise, so if you wish to work/exercise less, you also need to eat less (& healthy).
4.) Eating large amount of carbohydrates, which we dont require, end up getting stored as bodyfat, which in turn also prevent bodyfat release to be used for energy.
5.) Eat your food slowly, Chew your food more (at least 20times) which fills the stomach more effectively and hence you dont feel the need to overeat.  People who don't chew much end up overeating their food by 3times.
6.) Eat meals/snacks on a regular/timely basis, as it prevents energy storage as bodyfat and speeds up our metabolism rate which is good for health.
7.) Dont eat carbohydrates-heavy breakfasts, as we can use our bodyfat for the energy we require in the morning and during our working hours.
8.) Eat low calorie dinners, as we dont require much energy during our sleeping hours and if we have a heavy dinner, the extra energy intake is just converted into bodyfat.
9.) Drink at least 10-12 glasses (3 liters) of water every day, as it helps in removing fat and transporting nutrients to all parts of the body and hence helps the body to lose weight relatively faster. Drinking enough water throughout the day (and avoiding coffee) prevents water retention, thus overall lesser weight.
10.) Sleep at least 8hrs everyday, as humans burn most of our fat (~600cal) while sleeping. Prefer sleeping between 8PM and 4AM as this sleeping schedule has been found the maximum amount of bodyfat.
11.) Irregular sleeping hours lead to stress which in turn leads to food craving and it becomes difficult for our body to break down and use the fat molecules stored in our body.
12.) Eat more "Lean Protein" as it releases the hormone PYY which suppresses hunger signals in the brain.
13.) Calcium binds with the fats we eat and creates a soup like substance that cant be absorbed, thus our body excretes this out and with it the fat we had eaten.
14.) Drink smoothies, thick shakes and soups as these semi-fluids are absorbed slowly in the stomach, thus keeping our stomach full for longer and making us feel hungry lesser number of times throughout the day.
15.) Dont skip too many meals or keep a fast for (more than 22 hours) too long regularly, as then we develop a natural craving for food and end up eating more at a single time than we actually should and can.
16.) Decrease your plate size, going from a plate size of 12' to 10' can reduce the amount of food we eat by <22%. Also decrease your glass size when consuming alcohol, soda, juice, etc.
17.) Increase muscle mass by eating the right kind of food, muscle mass indirectly inhibits bodyfat.
18.) Eat supplements/herbs with natural adaptogens & androgens.
19.) Inhibit GDF-8 ("Myostatin protein") (encoded in the gene MSTN in humans) as it inhibits muscle mass; by eating Creatine Monohydrate (1-2gm/day) or drugs that act like antibodies and capture myosatin and prevent it from attaching itself  to muscles.
20.) MYO-X inhibits 46% of the myosatins' working for 12-18 hours, i.e., inhibition of 23%-34.5% myosatin throughout the day.
20.) Eat food which is less calorifically dense, i.e., has lesser calories per unit satiety.
21.) Eat Green/Leafy/Cruciferous Vegetables for carbohydrates.
22.) Dont eat plain white carbohydrates like Potatoes, Rice, Wheat, Sugar, Bread, etc.
22.) Eat healthy fats (Omega-3, Omega-9 and saturated fats) as a major component of your daily calorie intake from food sources like (Fish Oil, Algae, Flaxseeds, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil).
23.) Dont eat unhealthy fats like Omega-6, refined oils, hydrogenated oils, any oils that are overheated.
24.) Use naturally existing saturated oils for cooking, like Desi Ghee and Coconut Oil.
24.) Manage stress (cortisol hormone) through meditation, therapy, etc.
25.) Get supplements that help in releasing stored fat from your body, have these on an empty stomach: Lemon with Green Tea, 500mg EGCG, and Yohimbine.
26.) Eat Probiotics and Prebiotics; these aid the body in losing weight.
27.) Control how much you eat any given time, do not overeat food even if you can eat of it.
28) Control the total calories you ingest in a day. No matter how healthy you eat, you will gain weight if you eat more calories than you need. 
29.) Eat negative or neutral calorie foods like Celery, water, black coffee, etc.
30.) Prefer eating protein over other macros, as protein offers the 2nd highest satiety (after fiber). Each gram of protein eaten reduces appetite by 2calories while 25% of calories contained in protein are spent in the effort our body makes in absorbing protein. Thus it can be concluded that each gram of protein effectively results in (4cal-2cal -25% of 4cal =  1 calorie).
31.) Avoid starchy foods like white bread, polished rice, pasta, noodle, corn, corn flour, potato, etc as they are converted into sugar by the body and thus end up being stored as fat.
32.) Avoid eating calorie-dense food like nuts, popcorn, oils, etc. as these foods are easier to overeat and thus ingest more calories than needed.
33.) Avoid alcohol and processed foods, they damage our body's natural metabolism.
34.) Intermittent Fasting for 14-20hrs everyday with a feeding window between 10AM to 8PM. It is best to only eat between 2PM-6PM.
35.) Drink calorie-free non-carbonated drinks like lemon water, green tea, etc. for satiety.
36.) Avoid chewing gum, legumes, beans and cruciferous vegetables as they cause bloating thus extending the size of your stomach which enables us to easily overeat later due to the extended stomach size.
37.) Aim to eat 15g-20g fiber per 1000cal ingested. Fiber offers the highest satiety and thus is the best macronutrient to eat to lose weight. Also add Resistant Starch to your diet.
38.) If you live a sedentary lifestyle with no exercise whatsoever, adjust your conventional calorie requirement by -20% to accommodate for the slow metabolism that our bodies develop due to physical inactivity. In addition to this, if you want to lose weight steadily (-1.5% weekly); reduce your calorie intake further by -20%.
39.) Order of eating food influences your how your blood sugar reacts to it. Eat food in the following sequence (First to Last): Fiber > Resistant Starch > Fats > Protein > Slow-digesting-carbs > Fast-digesting-carbs > Sugar
40.) Certain fruits are good for losing weight: Mangos, Blueberries, Pomegranates, Grapefruits. Mangos contain a phytochemical called mangiferin, which may help slow absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine.
41) Eat same grams of protein as your weight in lb divided in 4-6 meals a day as Protein is the most filling macronutrient there is, and it has the highest TEF (thermic effect of food)
42) Don't keep calorie-dense foods in your house. If trigger foods are a 10-second walk to the fridge, you'll battle with self-control constantly. If they're a 20+ minute trip to the grocery store, it's much easier to opt for the healthy food in your house.
43) Chronic under-sleeping increases hunger signaling to the brain (Ghrelin) & decreases the signaling that tells your stomach you are full (Leptin)
44) Sleep more as You also can't eat while you're sleeping, so your window for caloric consumption is naturally more narrow.
45) Drink electrolyte water throughout the day as Water is an appetite suppressant in the sense that drinking water fills up your stomach. When under a caloric deficit, it's easy to become electrolyte deficient. A lot of hunger cravings are actually electrolyte cravings since food tends to be full of electrolytes and your brain associates food with electrolyte sufficiency. Adding a pinch of sea salt and a couple pinches of magnesium chloride to your filtered water will make a huge difference in hunger levels, energy, and performance in the gym.
46)Eat a high-protein snack and drink a liter of water before going out to eat. By the time you sit down and get your food served, your satiety signaling has peaked and it will be easier to opt for the healthier options or at least avoid getting the extra appetizer, side, or dessert

P.S. For further details, you may also check out the following links:

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