Before buying any food, check the labels and ingredients and be cautious about:

  1. Harmful preservatives
    Check your meat for Nitrates and Nitrites and avoid them in every way possible.
  2. Date of expiration
  3. Storage instructions
  4. Eat Cold/Direct or will needs cooking
  5. Cooking instructions
    Check if you even have the time and equipment to cook it the way it should be cooked.
  6. Age restrictions
  7. Specific allergens
  8. Sugar and carbohydrate content per serving
  9. Calories and nutrients per serving
  10. Cost per serving for the same/comparable quality of product compared to other sellers/brands
  11. Use of GMO oxidizing/carcinogenic Omega 6 oils
  • Palm,
  • Cottonseed,
  • Corn,
  • Canola,
  • Soybean,
  • Sunflower &
  • Safflower.
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